Dividend Yield

Dividend Yield is a financial ratio that shows how much a company pays in dividends each year relative to its Stock price. It is expressed as a percentage and calculated using the formula:

Dividend Yield = (Annual Share/">Dividends Per Share / Price per Share) × 100

This metric helps investors understand the income generated from an investment in relation to its market price.


1. If a company pays an annual dividend of $2 per Share and its current Stock price is $40, the dividend yield would be:

Dividend Yield = ($2 / $40) × 100 = 5%

2. If another company pays an annual dividend of $1.50 per Share with a Stock price of $15, the dividend yield would be:

Dividend Yield = ($1.50 / $15) × 100 = 10%


Investors looking for income may prefer Stocks with higher dividend yields, while those focused on growth may prioritize companies that rEINvest profits rather than paying dividends.