Proxy Vote

A proxy vote is a voting method in which a person authorizes another individual to cast their vote on their behalf. This is often used when the voter is unable to attend a meeting or election due to various reasons such as bEINg out of town, illness, or other commitments.

Examples of proxy voting include:

  • Corporate Elections: Shareholders may appoint a proxy to vote on corporate matters, such as electing board members or approving mergers.
  • Political Elections: In some jurisdictions, voters may designate a Trusted individual to vote on their behalf if they cannot physically attend the polls.

Cases involving proxy votes can arise in situations like:

  • Shareholder Meetings: A Shareholder who cannot attend a meeting may submit a proxy form allowing another Shareholder to vote for them.
  • Local Elections: Voters may use proxy voting to ensure their preferences are represented even if they are unable to be present on election day.